What We Do.

What We Do.

Know your business has made the best possible tax decisions.

Tax is an ever-changing, multi-layered and complicated landscape. To make the best decisions, you need to know that you are in safe hands when it comes to your own tax liabilities, structures and efficiencies.

Cooney Carey is one of Ireland’s leading tax planning providers and our tax team has a diversity of backgrounds from the Revenue Commissioners to the Big Four, giving us the breadth and depth of expertise to offer world-class advice.

Corporate Structuring

We’ll help you understand your commercial, personal, financial and regulatory constraints and objectives and then recommend a business and legal structure that is both appropriate and tax-efficient.

Corporate Reorganisation and Restructuring

We’ll advise you on any tax-related changes needed during restructuring, whether you represent an individual company or a more complex group of companies. This can include amending the capital structure, using a holding company, transferring shares, assets or complete businesses to one or more other companies, and issuing shares as required. Our goal is to help you avoid paying unnecessary tax while streamlining your corporate structure.

For more information, contact

Eamonn Madden, Gerry Higgins, Gillian Conway, Gordon Hayden

Research and Development

We can review your research and development activities to ensure you are maximising the relevant tax credits, working with you to manage the claim process with the Revenue Commissioners. We can also identify the appropriate structure to manage the development, holding and exploitation of intellectual property in a tax-efficient way.

Succession Planning

If you are retiring, selling or leaving your business, we can review your circumstances and work to minimise the tax arising on the sale of any shares or assets, or on liquidation. We also assess whether or not retirement relief, business relief or tax effective termination payments apply.

Wealth Preservation

We advise clients on all areas of financial, tax, and retirement planning, focussing on efficiencies across jurisdictions and maximising returns.

Property Tax Structuring

We identify efficient holding structures for property, including residential and commercial property, investment and development projects, both in Ireland and abroad.

Foreign Tax Positions

We can advise on multi-country tax positions, clarifying your Irish tax obligations and reviewing your foreign tax obligations while minimising your overall tax burden.

Revenue Commissioners Audit and Investigations

Audits and investigations by the Revenue Commissioners are a highly complex and difficult area for many businesses. Cooney Carey has a vast depth of experience at both individual and corporate tax levels across a wide range of business sectors. Our colleague in charge of this service is a former Inspector of Taxes.

Cooney Carey believes that the best starting point is actually before any audit request is received from the Revenue Commissioners. As part of our service, we will undertake assignments to proactively seek to identify and mitigate any tax risks. During a revenue audit, we manage all communication with the Revenue Commissioners, act as advocate for you and negotiate any settlements that may arise.

International Tax (Inbound and Outbound)

We can provide you with the best advice when it comes to availing of the optimum structure, bearing in mind both Irish and foreign taxes and double-tax treaty reliefs.

We will identify a tax efficient structure to help achieve your commercial objectives. We are experienced in both inbound and outbound scenarios with a thorough understanding of the Irish domestic legislation, double taxation agreements and the practicalities of business experiences on a multi jurisdiction basis. We are supported in this task by way of our membership of Russell Bedford International.

Share Schemes, Share Options and Employee Share Ownership Plans

We help you to consider the basis on which shares are provided, the timing and allocation of the shareholding, and the nature and extent of rights attaching to shares. We work with you to consider the extent of share participation you envisage and assess how share participation could encourage employees to achieve corporate objectives.

Employment Tax Planning

Cooney Carey will help you handle the tax aspects of employment retention and termination, including statutory redundancies and other termination payments.

Transfer Pricing

Transfer pricing rules provide that certain transactions between associated persons (such as a parent company and a subsidiary) should be conducted on an arm’s length basis and be priced as similar transactions would be between parties with no association. We can review your transfer pricing obligations and put in place the necessary documentation, making the whole process easy and seamless for you.

VAT Consultancy

We can advise you on VAT issues that arise when buying or selling property, or creating or surrendering leases. We can also confer on VAT issues relating to the business’ supply of goods and services, including cross-border trade and the recovery of VAT incurred in foreign jurisdictions.