Forensic Accounting & Litigation

Forensic Accounting & Litigation

Paperless Litigation – A Welcome Development

The Supreme Court has just run the first paperless litigation case in Ireland.  The appeal case of Lanigan v Barry in June 2016 was conducted using the eCourt App, using documents that were scanned and uploaded to tablets instead of the usual lever arch folders of paper documents. The eCourt App was developed by Irish technology company…

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Fraud can happen to anyone!

Many businesses understate the importance of fraud deterrence, prevention and detection. Don’t follow them. Prevent and detect fraud in your business by following these 5 tips: Establish a fraud risk management programme – include written policies, Exposure should be assessed periodically – identify any schemes apparent, Select, develop and implement prevention and detection techniques –…

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4 Ways To Cook The Books: Financial Statement Fraud

Cooking the books is a way businesses make things look better than they are in order to appease stakeholders. We need to look further than revenue recognition: there is a variety of ways to cook the books!         1. Timing of revenue or expenses Recognising current sales when services will not be provided…

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EU Tax Decision In Relation To Apple

  Background When considering this EU decision to the effect that APPLE owes €13 Billion in taxes, two over-riding factors need to be borne in mind: There is in effect a trade war going on between EU and US. The EU Commission is of the opinion that by not imposing US taxation on un-remitted profits…

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Bankruptcy – What Happens To Your Pension?

Bankruptcy is a High Court process that deals with secured debt and unsecured debts. When you are made bankrupt, your assets transfer to a person in the Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI) called the Official Assignee. Most forms of unsecured debt are written off and you may be able to agree on a schedule of…

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New Credit Checking Rules – Central Bank

The Credit Reporting Act 2013 (the Act) provides for the establishment of a Central Credit Register (the Register) by the Central Bank.  The Register is a national mandatory database of credit intelligence that will be maintained and operated by the Central Bank, in accordance with the provisions of the Credit Reporting Act 2013. On 22…

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What You Must Know About Fraud In A Small Business

Small businesses are the victim of fraud every day – now you found the fraudster – what action do you take. Firstly, Take advise from your accountants and legal team as if the fraud involves an employee and the situation isn’t handled properly, the company could get itself into a lot of trouble and expense.…

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10 Situations Where You Will Need A Forensic Accountant

Forensic Accountants use their skills to provide an independent opinion to assist in the settlement of disputes likely to result in court proceedings. As part of our litigation support service, we work closely with client, solicitor and counsel in relation to each case including matrimonial disputes, company valuations, or personal injury cases. We act as…

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Scam E-mails: How to Protect Your Business against Fraud?

Fraudsters target businesses that work with foreign suppliers or businesses that regularly transfer funds online. How do they get your details? They use what is known as “social engineering” and “computer intrusion” techniques e.g. a worm to compromise real business email accounts and then create unauthorised transfers of funds out of the business bank accounts.…

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Check If Your Company Is Required to Establish an Audit Committee

With the introduction of the 2014 Companies Act, all large companies effective from 1 June 2015 are required to establish an Audit Committee. A large company is defined as meeting both of the following criteria:- Having fixed and current assets exceeding €25m, and A turnover of in excess of €50m. Both of the above conditions…

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