Leasing: The shift from FRS 102 s.20 to IFRS 16
Financial reporting involves the production of financial statements showing an entity’s profit or loss, assets, liabilities, and other additional information relating to the financial statements. In recent years there has been a shift from Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). One of the reasons for this transition is to standardise financial reporting practices across the globe, encouraging transparency and comparability across entities. The aim of this is to create a more accurate representation of an entity’s financial position.
A key area experiencing significant change is that of leasing. IFRS 16 which relates to leases, its accounting treatment, its recognition, and disclosure is set to replace the previous FRS 102 section 20. There are several areas that differ between the two and it is important for entities to be aware of such.- Right of Use Asset Recognition
- Lease Liability Recognition
- Enhanced Disclosure