

Keeping Up With Tech

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has ushered in an age of digital transformation, which has enabled several technological trends to rapidly develop right before our eyes: big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, on-demand service apps, and the Internet of Things, to name a few.   With these technologies emerging at an astonishing pace, it can seem overwhelming to not only keep up with trends but also learn how to leverage these disruptive technologies and integrate these new workflows into your business, enabling you and your business to work smarter, more efficiently, and keep delighting your customers.   In our day-to-day lives, we have become very dependent on smart devices and cloud integration to bring interconnected convenience into our everyday lives. Bringing this level of service from our everyday lives to a business seems difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Several IT providers develop and host applications ranging from cloud-based bookkeeping systems to customer relationship management tools that help automate the sales process. These new services bring the convenience of cloud integration and work seamlessly on all platforms, whether in the office or on the go.   A further advantage of diving into these platforms is the data economy, a global digital ecosystem where the demand for live data, data applications, and data services means information is always available and data-driven decisions are easier to make.  

Here are a few simple steps to help you keep up with the pace of technological change and emerging trends:

  1. Seek out and attend industry events. These events can provide an opportunity to engage with providers, see demos of features, and learn how these features can help your business. It’s also a fantastic place to grow your network and expand your business.
  2. Do your research, whether online or through the grapevine, and subscribe to IT providers' newsletters and communication channels to keep yourself updated on the latest trends and technology news. Devote a small amount of time each day to check up on tech news or listen to a tech podcast.
  3. Ask questions and be constantly curious. Set up meetings with co-workers, industry contacts, or collaborators and put technology and emerging trends on the conversational agenda. You’ll both benefit from the discussions and build stronger relationships.
  IT providers know their businesses just like you know yours. Engaging with IT providers will help you determine what emerging trends and technologies will help you and your business work smarter, not harder.   Ultimately, everyone has a different way of keeping up with technology and new tools; there is no right or wrong way, but social media and digital transformation have made it easier than ever.