Self Employed Vs Employee: A Walk Through
There is no clear single legal definition of employee or self employed under
Irish or EU law.
What you do, How you do it and any written or verbal
agreements between the parties must be considered in determining the
employment status of an individual. It is important to determine the distinction
between an employee and self employed as this will have an impact on a
persons employment law rights and entitlements, tax treatment, PRSI class and
contributions and social welfare benefits.
Factors to consider:
Employee status
1. Working under the control of another person who directs them as to
how, when and where the work is to be carried out
2. Working set hours and receiving a fixed wage
3. Inability to subcontract work
4. Only supplying labour and not materials for the work
5. No personal financial risk in carrying out the work
6. Receiving expense payments
7. Tax deducted through PAYE system
8. No responsibility for management and can not profit from management
or performance of work
Self Employed status
1. Controlling what, where and when work is done
2. Owning own business
3. Ability to provide the service to more than one person/business at the
same time
4. Providing the materials for the work
5. Exposure to financial risk
6. Own insurance
7. Registered for self assessed tax
8. Responsible for management and profits from performance
The legal tests to be considered when making a decision on employment status
1. Mutuality of obligation
2. Substitution
3. Enterprise test
4. Integration
5. Control