Single European Vat Area
The EU are reviewing the operation of Vat within the European Union. The following proposals have been made:
The Cornerstones of a definitive vat regime
- The principle of taxation at destination for intra-EU cross border supplies of goods. Under this principle the Vat rate of a member state of destination, where the buyer is located, is charged.
- The confirmation that the vendor is liable in the case of an intra-EU supply of goods as a general rule, which means that the seller is responsible for charging and collecting the Vat. However, if the buyer is a ‘certified taxable person’ it is the buyer who is liable for payment of Vat due directly to the treasury of the member state of destination.
- The ‘one stop shop’ will be extended. Businesses will be able to make declarations, payments and deductions for cross-border supplies of goods through a single online portal, as is already the case for the supply of e-services.
- Simplification of Vat rules for companies moving goods from one member state to another member state where they are to be stored before being supplied to a customer known in advance. This is known as ‘call-off stock arrangements’. The simplification is limited only to certified taxable persons.
- Simplification provided for chain transaction situations identifying the supply with which the intra-community transport of goods should be linked. This simplification is limited only to certified taxable persons.
- Simplification of the proof of transport of goods between two members states needed for the application of the exemption to intra-community supplies. This simplification is limited only to certified taxable persons.
- Certification that, in addition to the proof of transport, the Vat number of the commercial partners recorded in the electronic EU Vat-number verification system (VIES) is required in order to apply the cross-border Vat exemption under the current rules.
- Regular payment of taxes
- Internal controls
- Proof of solvency