Whether you are an individual, a small company or a large multi-national the same principles for branding apply. You need to stand out from the crowd.
Your personal brand is the image you represent to your customers/employer everyday – your reputation. Successful branding sets you apart from your competitors.
5 top tips on how to build a strong personal brand
1. Understand and be your true self – faking it can’t last long term, people connect with other people, a small bit of inconsistency may damage the trust of your customers/employer.
2. Review your moments of truth – the moments with your customers/employer that determine the impression you have left with them.
3. Build your online presence – Pick which social media meets your needs and never forget to regularly review how you're coming across, how others might be perceiving you and what they're saying about you.
4. Be purposeful in what you share – every like or share is saying something about your brand, be strategic about your personal brand.
5. Remain a student of your industry – everything is changing at a faster rate than ever before, stay up to date and on trend.
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