

Directors’ Report and Directors’ Compliance Statement

signature-962355_640 Companies Act 2014 (CA14) imposes an obligation on Directors of certain companies to include a compliance policy statement in accordance with S225 of CA14. This statement is to be included in the Directors’ Report that forms part of the company’s standard statutory financial statements. In doing so, the directors must provide a statement acknowledge that they are responsible for securing the company’s compliance with its relevant obligations and confirming that the measures specified below have been done, or if they have not been done, specifying the reasons why: 1. The drawing up of a ‘compliance policy statement’ setting out the company’s policies (that in the directors’ opinion are appropriate to the company) respecting compliance by the company with its relevant obligations 2. The putting in place of appropriate arrangements or structures that are, in the directors’ opinion, designed to secure material compliance with the company’s relevant obligations; and 3. The conducting of a review, during the financial year and referred to in the directors’ report, of any arrangements or structures mentioned above that have been put in place. The above compliance statement applies to: 1. All plc companies (except certain investment companies) 2. All other large limited companies and guarantee companies whose balance sheet exceeds €12.5m and turnover exceeding €25m The above Director’s obligations apply for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 June 2015.

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