Audit Quality Review: Top Findings
In May 2015 The Financial Reporting Council published its 11th annual report on its inspection of audit quality in the UK. The FRC inspected 105 private sector audits and some of their findings should provide food for thought for Irish auditing firms in the context of a statutory legal audit.
Common issues identified
The FRC found that issues common to previous inspections continue to be identified such as:- Insufficient scepticism on behalf of auditors in challenging the appropriateness of key assumptions made by audited entities surrounding the areas for example of property valuations and impairment testing.
- Insufficient or inappropriate audit procedures being performed to many audit areas especially common in areas such as Revenue Recognition.
- The failure to appropriately identify the threats and subsequent safeguards required to uphold auditor independence and inadequately communicating these to the audit committees.
The top 3 areas of concern
Of the 105 inspected audits in the UK, an analysis of the findings revealed that the top 3 areas of concern that resulted in the greatest number of findings were:- Audit of fair value and value in use measurement of findings = 55
- Audit of allowance for loan losses and loan impairments of findings = 35
- Reporting to audit committees of findings = 26
- Audit of fair value and value in use measurement
- Audit of allowances for loan losses and loan impairments
- Reporting to audit committees