Following on from our last personal branding blog, this blog will explain how to maintain your personal brand.
You have established your brand and brought it online so here are 4 steps to a sustainable and strong personal brand:
Step 1. Manage LinkedIn actively
LinkedIn profile is the single most important branding tool online. With 175 million professionals, this is where people start when they want to know about you professionally. Don’t write it only with a job in mind; write it to showcase you to the world – your strengths, experiences, capabilities, interests and passion, group affiliations, etc.
Step 2. Use Twitter to build your knowledge community
Twitter is probably the most confusing social networking tool – it is not very clear how best to use it professionally. But with its more than 500 million users, it is a potent tool for branding.
Follow a few personalities and news sources that align with
your interests or world view. To make sure your network stays fresh, make sure you actively stay on the lookout for fresh sources of information, and prune or augment your list as needed. Once you have this list of people and topics you align with, make sure you engage in the conversation by commenting, sharing and retweeting.
Step 3. Showcase your talent via blogs
This is arguably the most important tool you can use to significantly impact your personal brand. Blog gives you an authority and influence based on your knowledge and/or passion. It also provides you with a platform to creatively express your thoughts, thereby creating a set of followers and like-minded peer group. While writing frequently is hard, if you can write first 10 posts, rest will come naturally through habit.
Step 4. Stay active in your domain and interest areas
There are lots of online resources catering to any given domain, including discussion groups, news portals, influential blogs, industry forum sites, etc. Make sure you are active there, both in reading as well as in commenting and sharing.
Final word
Strong personal brand needs a regular maintenance, otherwise it becomes weak. Remember to take care of it on a regular basis.
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