

Companies Act 2014: Company Secretary

Secretary The following provisions relating to company secretaries are included in the Companies Act 2014 which is expected to be commenced on 1st June 2015:-
  1. All companies will continue to be obliged to appoint a company secretary.
  1. In single director companies, this must be a person other than the director themselves.
  2. As is the case with current legislation, it will still be possible to appoint a corporate company secretary.
  1. A new requirement has been introduced whereby the board of directors of a company will be obliged to ensure that the company secretary has the requisite skills, knowledge and experience to discharge the statutory and legal duties as an officer of the company.
  1. Company secretaries will have a duty to discharge such duties as are delegated to them by the board of directors.
  1. Each company secretary will also be obliged to acknowledge they have legal duties to the company when agreeing to act in that capacity.
  1. Minimum age for an individual to act as a company secretary will be eighteen years.

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