Extended Pay and File Deadline for ROS Customers for 2014
Revenue eBrief No. 30/14 provides for an extension to the pay and file income tax deadline for ROS customers who file their 2013 Income tax return and make any relevant income tax payments through ROS.
Where the 2013 income tax return and relevant payment are made through ROS, the extended deadline is the 13th of November 2014.
In addition, where a beneficiary receives a gift or inheritance with a valuation date in the year ended 31 August 2014, the extension in respect of filing a capital acquisitions tax return and making a capital acquisitions tax payment is also available.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The extended deadline is only available where both the return and payment are filed and lodged through ROS. Where a paper return is filed or a payment is not made through ROS the deadline is the 31st of October.