What is it?
A government stimulus fund with up to €5m. The fund has been set up to help small Irish businesses develop an online presence. The scheme is being rolled out on a pilot basis in 2014 in Dublin via the Local Enterprise Board.
How much is available?
Vouchers of up to €2,500 are available for those who demonstrate a credible plan and wish to develop a digital presence.
Any specific entry criteria?
In order to qualify, business must have turnover of less than €2m and less than 10 employees.
How do I apply?
Businesses can apply for the voucher via their Local Enterprise Board Network. A training session with the Enterprise Board must be completed before a voucher is awarded.
What questions do you have?
We are happy to help. Please post your comment below or contact our friendly and knowledgeable team on 01 677 9000.
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