

Company Websites – Disclosure And Publication Obligations Of Company Details

Companies are obliged to adhere to various obligations regarding the public display and disclosure of their registration details.

Disclosure of details on websites

Under the European Communities (Companies)(Amendment) Regulations 2007, every limited liability company which has a website is specifically required to display either on its homepage or on an identified and readily accessible webpage the following details:-

1. Full name of the company, ie as publicly registered in the Companies Registration Office.

2. Legal form of the company, eg a private company limited by shares

3. Place of registration of the company, eg registered in Dublin, Ireland.

4. Company number under which it is registered, ie as per the certificate of incorporation

5. Address of the registered office of the company and the address provided must state that it is the registered office.

6. In the case of a company exempted from the use of the word ‘limited’ or ‘teoranta’ as part of its name, it most note the fact that it is a limited company

7. In the case of a company being wound up, the fact that it is being wound up must be noted

8. If the share capital of a company is mentioned on the website, the reference must be to ‘paid up’ share capital.

These website obligations apply to Irish registered companies irrespective of whether they are carrying on business under a business name and the fact that a company may be carrying on business under a business name does not exempt it from the above disclosure requirements on its website. Likewise there are additional disclosure and publication obligations required under the Registration of Business Act 1963, with regard to the disclosure and publication of business names.

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of disclosure and publication requirements for Irish registered companies or for foreign companies having either a place of business or a branch in the state, then please contact Mary Flanagan of Cooney Carey for more details.

What questions do you have?

We are happy to help. Please post your comment below or contact Mary Flanagan, Director of Business Advisory Services at Cooney Carey, on +353 (0)1 677 9000 or by email: mflanagan@cooneycarey.ie

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