

Financial Supports For Business Part 4/6. Intertrade Ireland

InterTrade Ireland supports SMEs across the island to develop North/South trade and business development opportunities for the mutual benefit of both economies.

4.1 Acumen Programme – Recruitment

Background: InterTrade Ireland’s Acumen Programme is a cross-border business development programme designed to stimulate cross-border sales. Support available: Funding is provided to companies seeking to expand their markets by recruiting graduates or experienced sales professionals as well as market research support. There are four business support options: - Market Research - Full Time Sales Person - Part Time Sales Person - Sales Graduate programme InterTradeIreland Acumen can source the right people to help increase export sales North or South, improve knowledge of the market and identify new business opportunities. Who qualifies: To qualify for financial support your business should be: - A manufacturing or a tradable service company with annual turnover < £40m/€47e - A company that employs < 250 people - An indigenous company (not multinational or foreign owned) - Committed to the development of new product markets with the potential of job creation - A company with an established relationship with a mainstream development agency (Invest Northern Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Údarás na Gaeltachta, City or County Enterprise Board, a Local Enterprise Agency) In addition, the business should also have: - A satisfactory track record in the home market - Less than 30% of total business in the target cross-border market - A sufficiently unique product that does not displace existing products in the marketplace - A project that can demonstrate that it may not happen without support - The capacity (human, financial & production) to deliver the project How to apply: Completion of the InterTradeIreland Acumen Support Application Form. For further information please check: www.intertradeireland.com or contact Intertrade by email.

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