

Financial Supports For Business Part 2/6. County Enterprise Boards

The County and City Enterprise Boards offer a variety of supports to assist the start-up, development and expansion of micro-enterprises (employing 10 or fewer employees), with priority given to the manufacturing and internationally-traded services sectors.

2.1 Priming Grants

Background: Priming Grants can cover all business costs directly attributable to starting a new business. Support available: The grant payable is the lesser of €80k or 50% of the required investment. Grants over €80k and up to €150k are the exception and only apply in the case of projects that clearly demonstrate a potential to export internationally and graduate to Enterprise Irelands programme. In all other cases, the maximum grant shall be 50% of the investment or €80k whichever is the lesser. Subject to the 50% limit, a maximum grant of €15kper full time job created shall apply in respect of any employment support granted. Funding is issued on a part grant, part repayable (0% loan) basis, with repayments due over a 36-60 month period. Who qualifies: The Priming Grant is available to new businesses within 18 months of starting a new business. Expenditure that may be considered includes capital items, salary costs, rental costs, marketing costs, consultancy cost, and business specific training. How to apply: An application must be made prior to any expenditure being incurred. The following information must be prepared to make an application: - Priming Grant Application Form - Business Plan - Cashflow projections (3 Years) For further information please check: www.enterpriseboards.ie or find your County Enterprise Board here.

2.2 Business Expansion and Development Grants

Background: The Business Expansion grant is designed to assist businesses in growth phase after the initial 18 month start-up period. Support available: The maximum Business Expansion Grant payable must not exceed 50% of the investment or €150k whichever is the lesser. Grants over €80k and up to €150k are the exception and only apply in the case of projects that clearly demonstrate a potential to export internationally and graduate to Enterprise Irelands programme. In all other cases, the maximum grant shall be 50% of the investment or €80k whichever is the lesser. Subject to the 50% limit, a maximum grant of €15k per full time job created shall apply in respect of any employment support granted. Who qualifies: Business Expansion grants may be awarded to sole traders, partnerships, community groups or limited companies that fulfil the following criteria: - Employ up to 10 employees - Are a manufacturing or internationally traded service business - Are domestically traded service business with the potential to trade internationally Micro enterprises that have availed of a Priming Grant (2.1 above) are ineligible to apply for a Business Expansion Grant until 18 months after the final drawdown date of the Priming Grant, except for exceptional circumstances. How to apply: An application must be made prior to any expenditure being incurred. The following information must be prepared to make an application: - Business Expansion Application Form - Business Plan - Cashflow projections (3 Years) For further information please check: www.enterpriseboards.ie or find your County Enterprise Board here.

2.3 Feasibility/Innovation Grants

Background: Feasibility/Innovation Grants are designed to assist the promoter with researching market demand for a product or service and examining its sustainability. It includes assistance with innovation including specific consultancy requirements, hiring of expertise from third level colleges, private specialists, design, patent costs, and prototype development. Support available: The maximum Feasibility Grant payable must not exceed 50% of the investment or €20k whichever is the lesser. Who qualifies: Feasibility/Innovation grants may be awarded to sole traders, partnerships, community groups or limited companies that fulfil the following criteria: - Employ up to 10 employees - Are a manufacturing or internationally traded service business - Are domestically traded service business with the potential to trade internationally How to apply: An application must be made and approved prior to any expenditure being incurred. For further information please check: www.enterpriseboards.ie or find your County Enterprise Board here. Do you have any questions about Financial Supports For Business?  We are happy to help. Please post your comment below or contact our friendly and knowledgeable team on 01 677 9000. To keep in touch, connect with us on Linkedin. If this article helped you, please share it with other businesses. If you enjoyed this article, then you might also like the following:

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