

Social Welfare Bill – Which PRSI Class For A Working Director?

The Social Welfare Bill has been recently published. It proposes that a working director with a shareholding of 50% or more in a company will be regarded as employed under a contract for services (i.e. self-employed) and therefore liable to PRSI at Class S (i.e. 4%). Therefore if a working director has less than 50% shareholding, it appears that they will be subject to PRSI as an employee at Class A (i.e. Employer PRSI - 10.75% & Employee PRSI - 4%). There may be changes to the Bill as the legislation passes through the Oireachtas. Do you have any questions about Social Welfare Bill? Feel free to contact Des on +353 (0) 1 677 9000 or by email for a complimentary confidential consultation. Des McCann is one of two partners at Cooney Carey with responsibility for audit services. Des has extensive statutory and regulatory experience and is an advisor to a number of indigenous enterprises. He has specialist skills in the area of owner-managed and family businesses, advising on risk management, business improvement and growth strategy. Des regularly provides hands-on support to clients during Revenue audits, transaction management and also undertakes forensic accounting investigations.